South East Coast Ambulance (SECAmb) want you to nominate an ambulance service or NHS 111 hero in a new award to be presented at SECAmb’s annual staff awards.
For Stress Awareness Week, we created a space in our office for team members to share their de-stressing tips they use at work. At the end of the week this is what we got!
Together with the Stroke Association and Healthwatch Medway, we have set up the Stroke Co-Design Group to ensure the voice of patients and carers is clearly heard during the design of our new stroke services in Kent & Medway.
Kent County Council have launched a public consultation to seek your thoughts on their services for older people which includes support for adults living with Dementia, physical disabilities and sensory impairments.
Currently in Kent & Medway, we have eight Clinical Commissioning Groups who are responsible for commissioning our health services.
From April 1st 2020, GPs have voted for all the CCGs to merge into one single Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Kent County Council, which plans and delivers social care and public health services for us all, has launched a public consultation about what they should spend their money on.
Today the Care Quality Commission have published their State of the Nation report which is their annual assessment of health and social care services across the country.