Latest news and views

What have you told us about pharmacy services in 2024?
From getting your flu jab to concerns on medication shortage, here is what you told us about your experiences with Pharmacies across Kent in 2024.

New Podcast for the Kent & Medway Healthwatch Recognition Awards 2025
For the past three years, EK360 has proudly sponsored the Kent & Medway Healthwatch Recognition Awards.
Healthwatch is in the unique position to have a system-wide view that can share hidden pockets of brilliance. The awards provide the opportunity to…

Healthwatch Kent service receives national award for improving care
Healthwatch Kent was recognised at the National Healthwatch Impact Awards this week for helping to improve care for local people.

Annual Recognition Awards evening is back this year
Healthwatch Kent and Healthwatch Medway are pleased to announce the return of its annual Recognition Awards evening, now in its third year.

The team at Healthwatch Kent have been shortlisted for a national award for their work helping to improve care for local people.
The National Healthwatch Impact Award recognises outstanding examples of where the views of local people have been used to make positive changes to local NHS and social care services.

We continue our support of the NHS and Kent County Council in hearing from the public to codesign the future of their Integrated Community Equipment Services (ICES)
ICES aims to maximise independence of Kent residents and enable them to carry out everyday activities at home.

Housing and Health - What have we been hearing?
When you think of Health and Social Care, and your wellbeing, your initial thoughts probably don’t go towards housing.

NHS Complaints System is letting people down, our research warns
Your right to make a complaint is enshrined in the NHS Constitution. However both national and Kent research suggests that many people face barriers…

We are looking to speak to UK Armed Forces Veterans about their experience of health and social care.
Are you a UK Armed Forces Veteran in Kent? We want to hear your experiences of accessing the care you need.
Latest reports and publication

The Digital Front Door Project - ANIMA
We have published our evaluation report of the use of the ANIMA 'Digital Front Door' appointment booking system across the Tunbridge Wells Primary Care Network (PCN).
Find out more

Spotlight Report on Substance Misuse and Access to Mental Health Services
We have published a case study led report together with Healthwatch Medway on the experiences of those with substance misuse issues on accessing mental health services.
Find out more