Be part of the change

Our volunteer Change Makers help us to make changes that benefit all of us.

They are on our streets, visiting our neighbourhoods and communities, listening to people like you about their experience of using health and social care in Kent & Medway.

By listening and capturing your story, they generate changes that benefit hundreds of other people.

Could you be our next Change Maker?

Join us; be part of the change

Meet Grace

Grace lives in West Kent and she is a volunteer Change Maker. 

She regularly chats to her neighbours, and people living in her village, about the last time they went to the GP, visited a Care Home, used the optician, had a social care assessment or had a hospital appointment.

She captures all their stories.

Thanks to Grace, we now understand how people living in her village find it really hard to get public transport to the nearest GP surgery.

Thanks to Grace, the people in her village now have a voice.

Thanks to Grace, we can make sure decision makers hear their voices and take steps to finding a solution.

Thanks to Grace, change has happened

Grace is a Change Maker

By talking and listening to people, I have made change happen. That feels good.

A Healthwatch employee at a community event and a member of the public holding a leaflet

We're looking for more people like Grace

Can you be a Change Maker in your community, your workplace, or your neighbourhood?

Be part of the Change. Apply today

We'd love to tell you more

Meet our volunteers

Our volunteers are involved in everything from making decisions about our priorities, talking and listening to people, visiting services and attending meetings on our behalf. 

Find out more about our volunteers and what they do.

Find out more 

As a Healthwatch volunteer, I can get involved as much or as little as I want.  This year I have visited hospital and GP services to talk to patients and listen to their experiences.  What I heard from them has been used to improve those services for other patients.