Meet the team

Find out more about our staff and volunteers.


Healthwatch Kent Manager- Robbie

The Healthwatch manager provides strategic leadership to ensure that the local Healthwatch meets its statutory obligations and can evidence improvements to services by engaging with communities and stakeholders from across the area and using that feedback to inform and influence commissioners and providers. 

Projects and Engagement officer - Oliver

The Projects and Engagement Officers will help deliver Healthwatch's public engagement in Kent, gathering experiences of health and social care through various techniques and coordinating volunteers' activities. 

They generate reports and recommendations for improvements based on the insights and feedback gathered from the public to represent the communities of Kent. Reports may range from large-scale projects to short spotlight-style reports.

Operational Manager – Marianne

The Operational Manager will be responsible for overseeing operational activities, quality assurance processes, and system improvements across the contract. 

They monitor performance, advise the manager on performance indicators, and lead in contract-wide delivery of information and signposting function.  Additionally, they lead for safeguarding and will oversee the Intelligence team function.

Support, Intelligence and Research (SIR) Lynn

The SIRs team are the Information and Signposting experts and provide administrative support to projects, answering calls and emails, recording information in databases, and promoting awareness at events.

They play a crucial role in gathering and processing feedback from members of the public making initial contact with Healthwatch.

Intelligence Lead – Lois

The Intelligence Lead manages our storage and use of consumer experience data to shape change in health and social care. They will create analytics, insight dashboards, and reports to illustrate findings to stakeholders. They will bring creativity to storytelling and improve the Intelligence team's resources. 

Intelligence Officer - Shimran

The Intelligence Officer works closely with Engagement team, and ICT and Data Manager to translate public feedback into themed reports and evidence that can be shared to influence improvements in future service development and delivery.

The Intelligence Officer works closely with Engagement team, and ICT and Data Manager to translate public feedback into themed reports and evidence that can be shared to influence improvements in future service development and delivery.

If you need to contact any of our team member please contact us at:

Steering Group

Our Steering Group is made up of volunteers. Together they look at the information and feedback we are hearing from you and use that to determines our priorities and goals.

Their remit is to define, shape and implement what we want to achieve; and is a core part of our governance structure.

They meet on a monthly basis to determine how best to get the most impact from your stories.