We ensure your voice is heard for the future of Extra Care Housing
When you get older, you may need to have care in your home. Many people consider moving into Extra Care Housing which ensures you have your own home but care and support is available should you need it. We wanted to know what you may want.

Kent County Council are planning to develop a number of new Extra Care Housing complexes in the future all over the County. We wanted to ensure your voice was heard as part of these plans. We gathered feedback and insights into what people may want Extra Care Housing to look and feel like.
We've shared all the feedback we have heard about what you may want in the future from Extra Care Housing with Kent County Council who organise and build the housing complexes. Your feedback will directly influence their plans. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us. It always starts with you!
You can read all the feedback below
Healthwatch Kent Extra Care Housing report