Helping Jane to get a housing review

She'd tried to contact the Council but hadn't made any progress. Everyone she spoke to passed her onto someone else; but no-one helped her.
Jane told us that her health was deteriorating because of her housing situation and she didn't know what to do.
We contacted Swale Borough Council and raised the concerns on her behalf. We asked that her housing was reviewed. The Council listened to us and have recently visited Jane at home to review her housing situation.
Spotting other ways we can help
When chatting to Jane, she told us she was lonely.
We've always got our ears open for other, less obvious, ways that we can help someone. We've helped Jane to speak to a local befriending service who can offer her regular contact with a friendly person.
Maybe we can help you too?
We are always ready to listen and see how we can support you too. Our free information and signposting service can help you to know what other support there is available to you. We can also ensure you know what your rights are, or tell you how to make a complaint.