We get your vaccine questions answered
If we don’t know the answer, we don’t rest until we find it.
Here are a few of the questions we’ve heard this week. We hope the answers may help you too.
I’m housebound – how do I get my vaccine?
Vaccinating people who are housebound is a particular focus for the NHS right now. Make sure you are registered with your GP as being housebound and they will make sure you’re on the list for a vaccination at home.
The NHS will contact you to book your vaccination at home. It’s important that you know that they will not turn up unannounced.
I’ve heard there is an issue with the vaccine supply. Will I get my second jab?
If you already have your second vaccine appointment booked, then don’t worry. The NHS in Kent & Medway has said that all second jabs will be honoured despite the national supply issues.
I’m 54, am I entitled to the vaccine yet?
Yes!! Anyone over 50 is being encouraged to contact the national booking system and get a slot secured. You can book through the national website or by calling 119.
I’m allergic to some of the vaccine ingredients. What do I do?
You need to talk to your GP who will advise you what to do and help you to get the right vaccine for your allergy.
There is good advice about allergies on page 17 of the Green Book which is the bible that NHS professionals are using for the vaccine roll out.
I’ve moved to Kent since my first vaccine, how do I ensure I get the second dose?
If you had the AstraZeneca vaccine then simply use the national Covid booking system here or call 119.
If your first dose was the Pfizer vaccine then you need to contact the Clinical Commissioning Group on Kmccg.covidvaccine@nhs.net and they will help you.
I’ve called 119 and I can’t get through
The 119 system is covering the whole country and it can be busy at times. We have no other advice other than to be patient and keep trying. The online system is quick and easy.
There’s a lot more information on the Clinical Commissioning Group website