What is Healthwatch doing to help right now?

We're lucky to have some clever crafty people in our team.
Louise answered a call from the Salvation Army in Folkestone who were in need of face masks so they could continue to provide hot meals for vulnerable people. We had some fabric left over from some Healthwatch bunting so Louise repurposed it into face masks. These obviously aren't clinical grade protection but we were happy to help.
Other members of the team are busy knitting hearts after Darent Valley Hospital asked for hearts for their intensive care patients with Coronavirus. Families will be given a matching heart to give them some comfort during their stay.
Supporting NHS volunteers
We're doing a weekly newsletter for the hundreds of people who are unable to undertake their volunteer roles in Kent hospitals due to the Coronavirus. Nearly 2,000 people are now getting our weekly newsletter which keeps them connected with what's going on in their hospitals and hopefully brings them a little bit of cheer.
Our newsletters free up NHS staff to focus on front line activities so hopefully gives them a little bit of help. If you'd like your organisation to benefit from our newsletters : Bringing Volunteers Together, just let us know
Supporting your wellbeing
Most of us are feeling anxious or stressed at the moment. It's totally natural as we all adapt to being at home. It's important that we make time to look after ourselves so we're offering a Daily Tip for your wellbeing on our Facebook and Twitter channels. Take a look, there might be something that would help you.
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Twitter HealthwatchKent
Ensuring your voice is heard
Your experiences of health and social care are just as important as always. All of us still need to use health and social care services, even if we don't have Coronavirus. We're part of regular conversations about emergency planning for services right now so it's important that we hear from you what your experience is right now.
Share your experiences of health and social care during lockdown
Share your experiences of mental health services
If you have feedback about services for people with physical disabilities
Our Helpline remains open for anyone who needs help finding the right service for you or for people who want to share their story directly with us.
You can reach us on freephone 0808 801 0102 or email info@healthwatchkent.co.uk