Working with HOSC

We attend HOSC every month. HOSC stands for the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee and is a meeting of KCC Elected Members who scrutinise health services.
Healthwatch Kent annual report

This month we presented our annual report and took the opportunity to highlight the importance of our working relationship. 

Earlier this year we escalated our concerns about wheelchair service to HOSC, and have since worked together with the Kent Physical Disability Forum, to drive a number of improvements.  We agreed at this month’s meeting that Healthwatch would summarise the progress to date in a report which would also highlight the remaining challenges for the people who use the wheelchair service.  

If you have used the wheelchair service recently, do get in touch and tell us your experience. Call us for free on our Helpline on 0808 801 0102, email or complete our online form here 


If you missed our annual report earlier this year, check it out here

Healthwatch Kent annual report 2019