September 2019

Enter & View visit to The Beacon, Thanet

Enter & View visits
The Beacon, Thanet
Tuesday 3rd September, 2019 - 10:30

About this event

Two of our amazing Enter and View trained volunteers are visiting The Beacon in Thanet on Tuesday 3rd September.  

What is an Enter & View visit?

As a local Healthwatch we have a statutory power to Enter and View. This is our legal right to visit places that provide publicly funded health or care services, to see and hear how people experience the services.

This gives us the opportunity to:

  • Collect the opinions and experiences of people using these services, their carers or relatives.
  • Talk to staff who are providing care.  
  • See the nature and quality of services.
  • Develop insights and make recommendations to improve care.

Contact details

If you would like to talk to us about the Enter and View visit or want to share your experience of The Beacon, give us a call on 0808 801 0102 or drop us an email.

Email us

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