June 2019

Have your say at Ashford Health and Well being Reference Group

Ray Allen Centre, Stanhope Road, Ashford. TN23 5RN
Tuesday 11th June, 2019 - 11:00 to 13:00

About this event

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is hosting a discussion for everyone on health and wellbeing to help develop their local plans for services in Ashford. 

The NHS in Ashford is facing many challenges and is working hard to deliver better healthcare. Ashford CCG needs your help to shape the future services you want for your community and how we can all work together to improve the health and wellbeing for everyone in Ashford.

At this event, they are considering the care for the frail and the vulnerable and how to make sure they live healthy independent lives. Part of the discussion will be how frail people return safely home from hospital, as quickly as possible with the right care and support.

If it sounds like you'll need at least one cuppa to get you ready to help at the event, Tea and coffee will be available too.  

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