First steps
If you are unhappy about any Engaging Kent CIC service, please speak to the relevant staff member, manager or Chief Executive. We would encourage you to raise a concern, or complaint, or to provide feedback on our services informally. Providing information or correcting misunderstandings or misconceptions at this stage may enable the issue to be successfully resolved.
If you are unhappy with an individual in Engaging Kent CIC sometimes it is best to tell him or her directly. If you feel this is difficult or inappropriate, then please speak to the staff member's manager or the Chief Executive of the business.
We often will be able to give you a response straight away. When the matter is more complicated, we will give you at least an initial response within five working days.
Making a written complaint
If you are not satisfied with our response or wish to raise the matter more formally, please write to the Chief Executive. If your complaint is about the Chief Executive, please write to the Engaging Kent CIC board of Directors.
All written complaints will be logged. You will receive a written acknowledgement within three working days.
The aim is to investigate your complaint properly and give you a reply within ten working days, setting out how the problem will be dealt with. If this is not possible, an interim response will be made informing you of the action taken to date or being considered.
A nominated director of Engaging Kent will review all concerns/complaints. If you are not happy with the outcome you will be able to appeal. The concern/complaint will then be reviewed by board members who have not previously been involved in the matter.
All complaints from across the organisation will be reported to the board of directors by the Chief Executive and recorded.
The board will identify whether the complaint has arisen as the result of a lapse or failing in Engaging Kent CIC’s existing control methods and procedures. If this is deemed to be the case measures will be determined and introduced to ensure that recurrence of the problem does not occur.
Engaging Kent CIC will inform Kent County Council of all complaints received pertaining to Healthwatch Kent and the Forums including actions undertaken on a quarterly basis.
Engaging Kent CIC will inform Medway Council of all complaints received pertaining to Healthwatch Medway including actions undertaken on a quarterly basis.
If you'd like a word version of our complaints policy, click the download below.