What do you know about ADHD?

October is ADHD Awareness Month and we’ve got all the info about what ADHD really is.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that affects people's behaviour. People with ADHD can seem restless, may have trouble concentrating and may act on impulse. 

Symptoms of ADHD tend to be noticed at an early age and may become more noticeable when a child's circumstances change, such as when they start school.

What causes ADHD?

The exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but the condition has been shown to run in families.

Research has also identified a number of possible differences in the brains of people with ADHD when compared with those without the condition.

Other factors suggested as potentially having a role in ADHD include:

  • being born prematurely (before the 37th week of pregnancy)
  • having a low birth weight
  • smoking or alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy

Symptoms of ADHD:

The symptoms of ADHD can be categorised into two types of behavioural issues:

  • inattentiveness (difficulty concentrating and focusing)
  • hyperactivity and impulsiveness

Symptoms if adults who have ADHD tend to be far more subtle than childhood symptoms and include:

  • carelessness and lack of attention to detail
  • continually starting new tasks before finishing old ones
  • poor organisational skills
  • inability to focus or prioritise
  • continually losing or misplacing things
  • forgetfulness
  • restlessness and edginess
  • difficulty keeping quiet, and speaking out of turn
  • blurting out responses and often interrupting others
  • mood swings, irritability and a quick temper
  • inability to deal with stress
  • extreme impatience
  • taking risks in activities, often with little or no regard for personal safety or the safety of others.

How ADHD is treated?

For children with ADHD, although there is no cure, it can be managed with appropriate educational support, advice and support for parents and affected children, alongside medicine, if necessary.

For adults with ADHD, medicine is often the first treatment offered, although psychological therapies, such as CBT may also help.


Do you, or someone in your family have ADHD?

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