1. News -

    All this week we are asking people to get involved in our campaign #YourChoiceOurPriority where we give you the power to choose our priorities for the year.
    Over the 7 days we will be asking you to vote for what you think we should prioritise.
  2. News -

    Over 7,800 saw our vote and hundreds of you voted, so thank you!
  3. Report -

    On the Isle of Sheppey, 700 people receive nursing care at home from Virgincare. We wanted to hear what their experience was like.
  4. Report -

    Over 190 people shared their experience of being discharged from the three hospitals in East Kent in 2018.
  5. News -

    Today the Care Quality Commission have published their State of the Nation report which is their annual assessment of health and social care services across the country.
  6. News -

    Today we chatted with people about what it is like to have Asthma and how things could be improved
  7. Report -

    When you get older, you may need to have care in your home. Many people consider moving into Extra Care Housing which ensures you have your own home but care and support is available should you need it. We wanted to know what you may want.
  8. Advice and Information -

    We explain why it’s important to have a plan in place, should you or a loved one become critically ill with coronavirus.
  9. News -

    Do you have ideas about what could be improved about the nursing care that you receive at home? Your questions could help inform what researchers should focus on.
  10. Advice and Information -

    Find out more about shielding, who it applies to, and what to do if you're a shielder.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below and find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
  12. News -

    This is your chance to speak up.

    The NHS want to hear from you because they want to improve the way your care is organised and co-ordinated.
  13. News -

    A new project is being developed by Kent County Council to help support people with disabilities as well as older people in Kent to stay in their own homes and communities.
  14. News -

    Or did you reach pension age before 6th April 2016?
  15. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
  16. News -

    Next week we are giving evidence to the Education Committee about SEND.
  17. Report -

    We hear about the difficulties families face when accessing support for their children who may be autistic. We wanted to explore the issues in more detail and gather more feedback about services for children and young people who have autism.
  18. News -

    We've been helping decision makers to develop a new pathway for children and young people who have special educational needs.
  19. Report -

    Last year, we published a report about Autism services in Kent for children and young people.

    We had heard from people about a whole range of issues including a lack of information and support for children and families.
  20. News -

    Have you needed to get support from school or college? Maybe your child has been assessed for an EHCP?

    If so, we want to hear from you.
  21. Advice and Information -

    Increasing understanding of neurodiversity and autism.
  22. News -

    The Care Quality Commission has today published a report highlighting the lack of progress since their 2020 ‘Out of sight – who cares?’ report.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Increasing understanding of neurodiversity and autism.
  24. News -

    Last week, we travelled to London to join forces with more than 100 fellow local Healthwatch organisations at our annual parliamentary reception.
  25. Blog -

    Five million women are invited for a smear test, but 1 in 4 women don't attend their smear test. Why is that? We assume it is because people are worried about the procedure. Could it be in part because people are struggling to get an appointment?
  26. Report -

    Last month we visited Folkestone & Hythe District Council to talk to their staff about their experiences of local health & social care services. We met 230 people in total during our visit.
  27. Report -

    Since April 2017 we have heard from 365 people about their experience of GP services in Kent.

    Although we hear lots of positive stories, we've heard 394 negative comments.
  28. Report -

    Kent has one of the highest populations of Travellers in the UK.

    At Healthwatch Kent we regularly visit Traveller sites to hear directly from the community about the issues they face about health and social care services.
  29. Report -

    In the second of a new series of reports, we have highlighted the feedback we’ve heard from people with learning disabilities.

    Everything we have heard from people is included in the report.
  30. News -

    In the news this weekend, we've heard new figures showing that many people struggle to get an appointment with their GP.
  31. Advice and Information -

    It’s never great when you can’t get a GP appointment in a moment of need
  32. News -

    Plans are being developed for Urgent Treatment Centres across the UK. The Centres would treat all minor illnesses and injuries for all age groups in one place.
  33. Report -

    Healthwatches across the South East have heard from people who are concerned about their GP surgery either closing or merging.
  34. News -

    In March we published a report detailing all the feedback we had heard from Kent residents about GP services.
  35. News -

    A formal public consultation has been launched this month to decide the location of a new Urgent Treatment Centre in Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley area.
  36. Report -

    Children and young people from across Kent & Medway have talked to us about their experience of using health and social care services.
  37. News -

    This week, we took part in a conference to bring together all the Patient Participation Groups across Kent.
  38. News -

    There was no chance our Helpline team weren't getting to the busy Boughton Monchelsea’s village Community Coffee Morning last Saturday.
  39. News -

    Currently in Kent & Medway, we have eight Clinical Commissioning Groups who are responsible for commissioning our health services.
    From April 1st 2020, GPs have voted for all the CCGs to merge into one single Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
  40. News -

    We recently had the opportunity to chat with a group of Carers about End of Life services in North Kent.
  41. News -

    Today the walk in GP clinic at Northfleet has closed. It’s not new news as the decision was announced some months ago, and is part of plans to create an Urgent Treatment Centre in the area following a public consultation earlier in the year.
  42. News -

    Are you a patient at Hextable GP surgery? If so, you are being asked to share your thoughts about the future of Hextable Surgery
  43. News -

    The Hextable Surgery will become a branch of Cedars Surgery, Swanley, on Tuesday 1st September 2020.
  44. News -

    The surgery has had to close temporarily after 8 members of staff have tested positive due to Coronavirus.
  45. News -

    The last few days have brought great hope to us all as we've watched the first Kent residents get vaccinated against Coronavirus.
  46. News -

    The GPs who provide care at Orchard surgery have decided to close the practice from 30th April 2021.

    Are you a patient there? We have the information you need.
  47. News -

    All patients at Sheppey Healthcare GP practice are being asked to share their thoughts to help inform the future of the practice. Is that you?
  48. News -

    Many people come to us because they are struggling to register with a GP near to them. This month we've been able to help two families to get registered.
  49. News -

    Many of you have been in touch to share your experience of using the GP eConsult service. We shared your stories with the right decision makers and we've got an update for you.
  50. Report -

    Being a fisherman is a tough job. It's dangerous with long hours and in difficult conditions. They also work unsociable hours making it hard for fishermen to use public services.