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    What was it like giving birth? Could your experience have been improved?

    Share your story and give feedback.
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    Saturday 20th July 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of man landing on the moon. It was considered a huge milestone for science and mankind, but what big turning points have happened medically since then?
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    Healthwatch Kent comments on the Maternity services in East Kent.
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    Today a national enquiry has been launched into maternity services in East Kent.
    We have already been in touch with East Kent Hospitals to discuss the review and will be fully involved in the process going forward.
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    The Care Quality Commission have published the results of their inspections to Accident & Emergency departments at William Harvey Hospital in Ashford and QEQM Hospital in Margate. Both departments have been rated as 'Requires Improvement'.
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    East Kent Hospitals have published their maternity strategy which outlines how they plan to improve the care they offer to parents and new-born children.
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    Up to 20% of women develop mental health problems during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth. Many more experience mild mood changes. Partners may also experience poor mental health.
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    Today the Government has published the outcome of the Kirkup review following an independent investigation into management and care provided by the maternity and neonatal services at East Kent Hospitals.
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    Healthwatch Kent works to improve the experience of being a Kent resident regarding social needs, health and wellbeing. To do this we support the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) which are the NHS organisation form that replaced Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in 2022.
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    We recently had the opportunity to chat with a group of Carers about End of Life services in North Kent.
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    Would you be willing to chat about your experience of looking after someone with Dementia to help improve services?