Do you have a friend or relative in a Care Home right now? Can you tell us your thoughts?

This month our spotlight is on Care Homes, as we gather feedback from residents, families and Care Home staff about how Kent’s Care Homes are coping and what lessons have been learnt. We want the positive stories as well as what could be improved.
lady in care home

No doubt you will have read alarming stories in the news about Care Homes during the pandemic.  We're currently calling half of the care homes in Kent to understand for ourselves how they are coping and what lessons they have learnt.

As an independent organisation, we can give Care Homes a trusted voice to tell us what is has really been like for them over the past few weeks.

We want to hear from you too.

If you have a friend or a family member in a Care Home in Kent, we need to hear from you. Can you tell us what it's been like for you? We want to hear the many positives stories as well as what could be improved. 

Get in touch

Do you work in a Care Home?

We know hundreds of people have been working so hard in our Care Homes all over Kent. We want you to tell us what it's been like for you. It's an anonymous survey so it's totally safe for you to be very honest. We know there are many amazingly positive stories too and we want to hear them too.

Tell us your story